Apple TV

Install PLEX on Apple TV 4.4.4 – Windows Guide

This is a quick tutorial on how to install Plex 0.9.0 Beta on your  Jailbreaken Apple TV with firmware 4.4.4. This entire tutorial was done using Windows 7. What you will need to do this: Jailbroken Apple TV 2 (4.4.4 will be used in this tutorial) How To Putty SSH Client (Or equivalent) Download Step 1: Turn your Apple TV on and navigate to Settings > General > Network. Write down the numbers next to the “IP Address” field. For this demo I am going to use “″ […]

By |2012-02-15T12:30:35-08:00January 1st, 2012|Apple Products, Electronics|22 Comments

Jailbreak Apple TV 4.4.4 Untethered – Windows Guide

This is a simple guide on how to Jailbreak your Apple TV with firmware 4.4.4 using Seas0nPass. This entire tutorial was done using Windows 7. This is also an Untethered Jailbreak. What you will need:  Apple TV Second Gen (The small black one) Micro-USB Cable (To connect to your computer) Computer (Mac or PC) Latest Version of iTunes (Download) Latest version of Seas0nPass (Download) Before you start… Make sure your Apple TV is up to date with software version 4.4.4 and you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. […]

By |2012-01-02T02:50:33-08:00January 1st, 2012|Apple Products, Electronics|2 Comments
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